Sunday 27 November 2011

Starting simple - pyramids.

A nice and simple thing to build in a city is a pyramid. I, personally, believe that a pyramid built out of planks looks the best, but you could make one out of any block you desire.

The main reason why i find this a fun build, especially for servers, is because although it takes quite a long time, it's an ideal candidate for a team project and can then be modified to act as a multi purpose building.

For example, as you can see i have turned this pyramid into a passive mob farm. This can be done by simply lighting the  interior. You should also make sure that the pyramid is built in a biome that allows for spawning . This one won't work due to it being in a snow biome,

                                                                                                           Finally, i suggest lighting the interior with glowstone. This adds a nice effect to the pyramid and allows it to keep it's shape. Keep in mind however, that this will affect spawn rates.

Minecraft stuff_one

So, basically the idea of this blog is to give a little insight into a few things that I , personally, find are both fun and interesting to build  within the game. These will be based on experience and there will be a short tutorial on every topic and links to my youtube videos that explain things in better detail.